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Stephen Filler

On March 8, the House voted to approve this bill 283 to 139.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle: "The vote was a victory for the food industry, which has lobbied for years for national standards for food labeling and contributed millions of dollars to lawmakers' campaigns. But consumer groups and state regulators warned that the bill would undo more than 200 state laws . . . " Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles said: "The purpose of this legislation is to keep the public from knowing about the harm they may be exposed to in food."

A state that wants stricter rules must ask the FDA for special approval.

As a result of California legislation, which would be preempted by this bill, bottled water companies have cut arsenic levels, and potassium bromate, a potential carcinogen, has been taken out of many breads, doughnuts and other bakery goods.

Corporate and trade groups constitutuents of the National Uniformity for Food Coalition -- backers of the bill -- have contributed more than $3 million to members in 2005-06 and $31 million since 1998.

Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/03/09/MNGFMHL5921.DTL

Stephen Filler

According to Vote Smart:

On 3/9/06, Senate Passage Vote: No vote yet taken; referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.


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