The New York State Legislature is threatening to move the authority for spending money received from the Systems Benefit Charge (SBC) -- that funds substantial renewable energy projects in the State -- from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to the New York State legislature. This change will subject SBC funds to general legislative haggling and bureaucracy, and means that money raised for renewable energy and energy efficiency, may be used for unrelated purposes.
The authority to spend these funds should remain with NYSERDA.
Governor Pataki recently vetoed the legislature's attempt to make this change in the annual budget. The Senate will be voting early next week to override the veto.
It is imperative that Senators be contacted and asked to VOTE NO ON THE OVERIDE of the GOVERNOR'S VETO and KEEP SYSTEMS BENEFIT CHARGE SPENDING AUTHORITY WITH NYSERDA. You can get your NYS Senator's contact info here: