• This blog is maintained by Stephen Filler, a New York-based attorney with expertise in business law, contracts, intellectual property and litigation. He represents a wide variety of businesses, technology, media companies and individuals. He also provides legal and consulting services to sustainable, environmental and renewable energy businesses, non-profit organizations and trade organizations. He is on the board of the New York Solar Energy Industries Association and Secretary of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. His business website is www.nylawline.com.

    The Green Counsel consulting website is www.greencounsel.com.

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Stephen Filler

Ah -- it's so satisfying that Entergy came back again today; this entry from my log demonstrates that they are receiving emails from Wescan, one of the listservs for people trying to close the plant. They clicked my posting from yesterday, and visited the site today. -Steve

(Entergy Corporation)

Arkansas, Russellville, United States

Date Time WebPage
16th May 2006 01:25:09 PM
[visited page:] nylawline.typepad.com/greencounsel/2006/05/call_me_paranoi.html
[referring page:] groups.yahoo.com/group/westcan/message/7831

Tery Spataro

This is intense. Even living 2000 miles away from home that would be NYC, I get a chill down my spine when I read your post.

Very perceptive of you picking up on use of advertising and PR to re-educate the public to the corporate strategy. The power of persuasion reeks from their tactics.

Will we ever be safe?

With so many great/clean alternatives why do we limit ourselves to such destructive means of energy?

I say we all need to organize a massive stay at home day during the workweek. This will send a message to both energy providers and government that we're in control and want clean alternatives to our energy needs.

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