• This blog is maintained by Stephen Filler, a New York-based attorney with expertise in business law, contracts, intellectual property and litigation. He represents a wide variety of businesses, technology, media companies and individuals. He also provides legal and consulting services to sustainable, environmental and renewable energy businesses, non-profit organizations and trade organizations. He is on the board of the New York Solar Energy Industries Association and Secretary of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. His business website is www.nylawline.com.

    The Green Counsel consulting website is www.greencounsel.com.

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There is something holding up the East River turbine (tidal power) project and I think its Albany. Although the Army Corp. of Engineers is backed up from Katrina, the enviro permits they need to issue may be getting held up from the usual sources.

And 250 kids a year continue to drop dead in our NYC emergency rooms from asthma ... for no reason.

Power Encounter

"The benefits of distributed generation are great: a more stable grid..."
¡¡¡ ¿¿¿ A more stable grid you say ??? !!!.
¿Really?. Come on! That's not true at all!
So that is true, medium voltage and low voltage grid must be meshed like the high voltage one. To mesh the medium voltage grid many distribution utilities would have to change the neutral grounding policy to change the isolated neutral to grounded neutral, and still we had to speak about the frecuency control.
I do not understand why engineering issues are approached in a dialectic way when everybody knows Man cannot produce electricity just talking about.

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