• This blog is maintained by Stephen Filler, a New York-based attorney with expertise in business law, contracts, intellectual property and litigation. He represents a wide variety of businesses, technology, media companies and individuals. He also provides legal and consulting services to sustainable, environmental and renewable energy businesses, non-profit organizations and trade organizations. He is on the board of the New York Solar Energy Industries Association and Secretary of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. His business website is www.nylawline.com.

    The Green Counsel consulting website is www.greencounsel.com.

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Keith R

Thanks for posting this -- I had missed the original in the NYT. Thought-provoking, especially points #4-8. And timely, as I have mulling over options to suggest/discuss in a series of pieces I plan on addressing climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), my particular focus.

Given Cal.'s market size, I imagine #5 will have a huge impact over energy efficiency design for electronics and appliances (maybe that's part of the reason behind the new Energy Star standards on chargers?). Would be even better if NYS imposed the same requirement -- better still if endorsed by all CONEG. It would be interesting to #6 & #8 applied to LAC utilities...

As for #7, I wonder what would happen if all the big pension funds & mutual funds made commitments to renewable energy investments, not just here, but abroad as well? Or required that when they invested in the energy sector, the lion's share would go to renewables?

As you frequently do, you've given me something to think about. Thanks for that!

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