Fast food is often unhealthy, over-processed and its processing, packing and transportation create huge amounts of waste and CO2 emissions. A small but growing number of communities across the country have banned so-called "formula" restaurants. The New York Times reported September 24 that NYC Councilman Joel Rivera, Chairman of the Health Committee, wants to use New York zoning laws to limit the number of fast food restaurants in the City. New York City also became the first U.S. city to ban trans fats in restaurants.
See also:
Act Locally: Ten Steps Toward Sustainability:
What is Sustainability?
Step 1: Create a Sustainability Task Force
Step 2: Support Local Business
Step 3: Incorporate LEED and Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings
Step 4: Set A Goal of Zero Waste
Step 5: Enact Environmentally-Friendly Land Use Laws
Step 6: Create Biotic Corridors
Step 7: Encourage Green Transportation